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How to make a program?

Choose the desired program. Click on it, watch the explanatory video to make sure this is your goal, then click SCHEDULE.


You will be taken to the schedule screen where you can monitor your training routine day by day.

At each training done on the day you can finish it by swiping your finger to the left giving the “visa”. These trainings will leave the schedule and will be marked in the “history”.

I click on the completed workouts in the history and they don't open. It's normal?

Yes. The history is only for recording training and completed programs.

How long does it take to release the programs upon signing?

  • Subscriptions made within the app: instant release.


  • Access plans purchased by the site:
    Payable by credit card: release within 1 hour
    Paid by ticket or pix: release the next day.


If you contact support by sending proof of payment and access email, we’ll release you quickly.

How does the subscription work?

The app offers 3 recurring subscription periods:

Monthly: renewed every 30 days
Semester: renewed every 6 months
Annual: renewed every 12 months

Recurring subscriptions are made and managed by Google Pay (android) and iTunes (ios).

The amounts are charged in full. To pay in installments, purchase the plans on the website by clicking here.

Do I need to pay a fee to cancel?

Zero fees, zero loyalty! You can subscribe and unsubscribe at any time within your Google or iTunes account.

To unsubscribe on Android:

Go to Play Store > Google Account (by clicking on your photo) > Subscriptions > Super Workouts > Unsubscribe.

To unsubscribe on iPhone:

Go to the App Store > iTunes (by clicking your photo) > Subscriptions > Super Workouts > Unsubscribe.

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